
registro: 24/08/2013
i love this game. i hate this game.
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a tricky hand in poker ( lesson number 1 )

 i've come across many players on here. the worst kind are the ones who comment on your play after a very short amount of time, trying to point out errors in your play. "you should have checked that" is something i keep hearing often, it's always 'you should have done this" or "you should have done that." they are constantly picking at what you do because they have no concept of long term strategy. have you ever worked with a french chef? i have. they remind me of french chefs who will freak out when you deviate from what they consider the proper way.  they will go nuts if you don't warm up that egg yolk before mixing it into a sauce. stuff like that. what i would do when that happen is wait for them..after the parking lot....with a baseball bat....and know what i mean.
  now...getting to that tricky hand. there will be the occasion when everyone limps in and you will have a hand like, for example 5 of spades and 4 of diamonds...and the flop will come down like.....7 of diamonds 8 of diamonds amd jack of clubs.  you see how you seem to have a bit of a potential straight and a potential flush combined. it is not a hand that gives you both the chance of a flush and an opened end straight ( which is a very good hand ) but it gives you "some" of both. lets assume two players before you both limp in....what is the best way to play this hand now...statistically? is there a proper way to play this hand that is profitable in this situation? i've played over 420,000 hands and have been in this position many times. what do you do? what you can do is kiss my a$$. that is what you can do. you think i am going to reveal to you something like this? yeah, right, have another drink. i already have enough aggravation with the goofs on think i am going to help you out? can kiss my a$$ is what you can do.$$.  and that is lesson number 1.

what to do when you go up against very lucky players

the longer you play, the more likely it will come to pass that you will encounter players who will have a bizarre amount of luck. have you heard about the lucky of the irish? these players would make the whole country of ireland jealous of how lucky they are. no matter how good your starting hand matter how good the flop goes for you....moses will part the red sea for these complete idiots without end. i don't know whats going on ......i could never get away with what these maniacs do.  their results will show something like negative 500 million...but tonight....everytime you bet against these guys and go head to head with them..they will keep winning hand after hand. if not all of them then 19 out of 20. and somehow they fold when you have aa or kk. not that it would have helped you anyways. even if you limp in with aa to try and trap them..they fold. seems suspicious to me but anyway....what do you do when you encounter players like this? what is the best strategy. here is what i do. ......i will curse the living hell out of them all damn night long. i will say and do whatever it takes to get them angry. to get under their skin. think of the worse possible insults you can throw out there and keep throwing them out there. get them angry. extract a PRICE from them. never let them feel good for being such suck outs. declare war. i'll send a friend request to them just for the sole purpose of knowing when they are online and then i will hunt them down in any room they are in and declare war again. THEY are going to regret sucking out on me. they are going to regret it. i will hound them for days until i start catching them and busting them. and then it is very important you GLOAT. gloat like the most vile villian you can think of. i mean evil stuff that would come out something more evil than darth vader. rub it in as much as possible when their luck runs out. tell them to go buy more chips on their visa card. point out how much their stupid playing has costed them. keep repeating it. MAKE THEM REGRET THE DAY THEY EVER SUCKED OUT ON YOU BY PLAYING IN SUCH A DISGRACEFUL, INSULTING MANNER THAT HAS NO HONOUR TO IT AT ALL. . god DAMN YOU!! god damn piece of garbage...YOU DARE TO COME HERE AND PLUCK AT THE TIGERS WHISKERS???? they're a bunch of lousy jerks. i hate them. ( typing this had a very therapeutic effect on me i can tell you.  :)  .................feeling much better now.

simple tactic to use against aggressive pre flop bettors

 ever get annoyed at that donk ahead of you in the betting who is constantly betting 4 or 5 blind raises pre flop?  here is what i do. don't try and beat him yourself..use the rest of the players against him as well. here is what i do. when the player does his typical raise.....and i have total rags...and there are all the other players waiting to bet behind me.....i will re raise him. with no intention of winning...but hoping..since i have rags..the chances are better the players behind me will have good hands. at least one of them might have a good hand and call. this will force the chronic pre flop bettor to either call the raise..which is what they usually do..or fold..because now you have taken them out of their comfort zone. this works best if you have a total rag unsuited 9 2 or 7 3....and when there are plenty of players betting behind you. the chronic raiser will have to keep beating 3-1 or 4-1 odds of having a better hand than the rest of the players behind you.  the re raising leads to bigger pots...which leads to bigger bets that are more damaging to the stack of the chronic raiser. and players tend to get stubborn and fight harder for bigger pots. the chronic raiser is suddenly not controlling the table and has to risk a large amount of his stack if not all of it.  sure they can get lucky...but the odds become hard to overcome. once he gets his stack reduced massively..then you can call his pre flop raises when you have something good if you see that having to go all in after the flop doesn't greatly reduce your stack. i've destroyed many dragons using this. it costs you chips....but it is effective and better than letting him dominate the table. 

stan lee has passed away

R.IP. stan lee. the creator of marvel comics. now you can go to heaven and meet up with and reunite with your partner and artist jack kirby. you can make up new stories about new heros .......and jack can draw the heros with SQUARED FINGER TIPS....SQUIGGLY LINES FOR MUSCLES.....KNEES THAT LOOK LIKE THEY ARE WEARING KNEE PADS.....AND HANDS THAT ARE BIGGER THAN THEIR HEAD. and all the heroines will have the same basic face and body but will be distinguished BY wearing a different uniform and by having different hair.......WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF SQUIGGLY LINES. LOTS OF SQUIGGLY LINES.


  i don't need to make excuses for what happens during a session of poker. as of the time of this writing, i have played near 411.000 hands of poker on game desire. close to 5 years ago, i opened an account here and got the 10k in free chips and started playing in the 200 dollar buy in tables. i played a tight aggressive game and did well right from the start, very often tripling my buy in or more. as my bankroll grew i would advance to higher buy ins. long story short.....after 411.000 hands, i am up near 73 million. NEVER bought chips. i understood the long term success in poker comes from playing  a very small percent of your bankroll and slowly increasing it. this way you can absorb the down swings. 
  a peculiar thing started happening as my bankroll grew. it became very apparent after i went into my first tournament THE DYNAMITE...and won it on the first try. all of a sudden my bankroll was at 11 million.  it was about this time that things started getting shaky and strange. it started getting progressively more difficult for me to win as i used to. bad luck kept hounding me during games. then things would start to improve, but as i kept increasing my bankroll and the buy ins, the streaks of bad luck would become more persistent and stretch out for longer periods of time. this doesn't make sense to me. this is because it took me many thousands of hands just to get to my first million in chips. and least 100,000 hands if not more. that is a very large sample size to indicate my method of playing WORKS and is sound statistically. but just started falling apart? i'm sorry..but no...this simply can't be the case. it is absurd to say that i was simply getting 'lucky' after 100,000- 200,000 hands. anyone that understands statistics knows that is an absurd statement to make. 
 and yet, as my bankroll grew this phenomenon of OBSCENE bad luck kept appearing. i ended up having to adjust my playing style. then things would improve for a bit only to encounter silly bad luck. it felt intentional. it felt it was happening on purpose. especially once i reached 50 million it seemed the game desire program declared war on me. here is what is happening that never used to happen:
 1) the dry flop becomes a mythical the unicorn. that you never see. for the last year and half, when i  connect big on the flop...there will be a flush draw that i am not part of almost every time. dealer sabotage. dealer voodoo. it is like a plague. especially if i catch treys on the flop...then the entire flop will be a flush. this is almost guaranteed to happen. and in the event your initial pre flop raise makes everyone fold EXCEPT one guy who calls...they idiot will have the flush draw and there will be no getting him off it no matter how high you bet..they will call their 7 3 SUITED and get their cheap flushtard win over your aces ....usually immediately on the turn. either i am constantly dealing with flush flops or the dealer will put an entire 7  8 9........and some donk who has been lucky all night will hit that flop BIG and i have KK  and i can;t bring myself to believe he is actually getting   lucky again for the 20th time......and guess what? yeah, you know what.....the donk flopped the straight. 
2)  your chances of getting a flush draw connect for you on the turn or river becomes 5 percent. same as your chances of getting that open ended straight....5 percent. i may be exaggerating but i wish i was kidding about this. i have stopped chasing flushes and open straights all together. especially if it is a big pot and it will be expensive to chase them. thats when the dealer will never give them you me. they just don't come. they don't feel like it guess. i don't know whats going on...i USED to play into my flush draws to build up the pot for when i connected. i USED to. i must have upset some GOD somewhere by doing that. i don't know what i did...but i am paying the price.
3) getting rag hands and not hitting anything on the flop for 50-100 hands becomes a common occurrence. well how else is the voodoo dealer going to stop me from raising pre flop with aj...kq...a 10...ak...etc..? THATS how. enjoy sitting there watching other people play while you have your thumb up your ass. and the thing is...not only am i getting crap hands that i keep folding...but even if i called the flop still wouldn't have giving me anything!!  no good hands for you...and just incase you thought of playing them smart guy..nothing on the flop anyway..for good measure. who do you think you are..mere mortal....trying to play to win a hand? 
4) when you decide to play loose and a lot of hands...the one time you fold you would have gotten a full house on the flop................................yep..............everytime.......that ONE time. i can feel my ulcer acting up just typing this. 
5) you lose to the same donk 15-20 consecutive hands no matter what you play or he plays.  no matter what.....the dealer still will stop at nothing to make him win and there is nothing too shameful that the dealer will allow to happen to make him win. once i had AA....was going all in against a lucky donk who was killing me with rags.....he had j 7 unsuited.......and called...the flop came.. 2 3 4 5 6.  yeah. that actually happened. think about that. i think both GOD and the DEVIL were mad at me that night.
 the point of this all, and what i am getting to is this. this never used to happen. only as i keep increasing my bankroll does this keep happening without end. and i still have increased it . but i makes no sense that i can't do it playing like i used to for a huge number of hands. here is what i notice. i check the results of the other players. shameful luck only seems to go to the players that are negative millions. the worst players. i don't have bad luck against the good players. only against the terrible ones. why? these guys are buying chips. game desire wants them to keep buying chips. so it gives them these winning streaks to keep them addicted. most of these idiots don't even keep track of their loses. they forget how much they've lost and only remember the thrill of 'owning the table' killing the table' when they are on one of these artificial winning streaks the program rigs for them.  they end up losing their winning eventually...then buy more vhips. this is how game desire keeps them hooked. some of these idiots are negative massive amounts..200 million...500 million...the worst i saw was a guy who was negative 2.5 BILLION. the guys name is bebetobeto....go search that name and go to the profile page and see for yourself if you think i am kidding. do the math!!!! assume 30 dollars to buy 1 million in chips.....2.5 billion is 2500 millions x 30 bucks...........thats 75, 000 dollars this nutcase  has spent to play with PRETEND MONEY!!  and it can be argued he buys them on special for half the price.....i doubt it...this guy is impulsive and will buy chips on the fly during tiournaments to REBUY chips. even if that were true.....this tournament loses are the same as his 2.5 billion on table games!!!  his web page USED to have a 'happy face' it is a 'sad face' icon.....maybe he lost this house or something because he couldnt pay his visa bills. i don't know. but he isn't around anymore. 
 this abnormal luck phenomenon happens when.....i am at a table and another good player with a high positive bankroll is there.....and there are donks on the table that are too dumb to know they are 300 million in the hole. the program checks the results....sees that i am way up..they are wayyyy down...and will conpensate for them by screwing me in any way it can. who better to take chips away from than the ones who have never paid for them and are up  huge?  there is one guy terrible.....massive loser.....when he comes to my table..he starts throwing out big bets.....and keeps winning pot after pot. it becomes suspicious because even when i fold but THREE or FOUR other players call his raise..on the flop he will throw out another big bet and they ALL fold.....and this will repeat to 10-15 hands..even more...NO ONE ELSE seems to catch anything on the flop and keep folding to this guy..or if one calls..he will lose to this guy anyway. i can see this happening ONE night. but this has happened three times in a row when he is in the same room with me. do you understand? i track this guys loses....he wins when i am at the table.....but a day later..after he has been at another table with other losers..his losses have increased. but when he is at my table...where the program can check and see i am up huge and he is down huge....the rigging starts. and this guy can't seem to lose. there is no other explanation. that simply cannot happen. it CANNOT happen. i have busted him twice...but it is almost impossible as the 'luck' he gets is almost supernatural. game desire rigs the games against the good players. it does this to keep the bad ones buying their chips. i honestly have no doubt. and game desire is making a fortune from these suckers.